Importing cars in Zimbabwe from Plumtree border Namibiai Plumtree border has suddenly become very popular as more and more Zimbabweans
Category: Zimbabwe Car Import Export
Declaration when importing a car in Zimbabwe
Particulars of Vehicle on Entry in Zimbabwe – Declaration It is a legal requirement that a person importing a vehicle into
Documents Required when importing a car in Zimbabwe
Documentation Required When importing a car in Zimbabwe The following documents are required to be produced on importation:- Invoice/agreement of
Valuation of Cars when importing vehicles in Zimbabwe
Valuation of Motor Vehicles By Zimbabwe Customs The valuation of motor vehicle as with the other goods is in accordance
Duty Free Concession when importing a car in Zimbabwe
Duty Free Concessions – Travelers Rebate When importing in Zimbabwe Individuals who personally import their vehicles are entitled to the
Used Cars for Sale in Zimbabwe
Used Cars for Sale in Zimbabwe Used cars for sale in Zimbabwe are available at world’s top LHD RHD car, 4WD,
Zimbabwe to allow import of used vehicles older than 5 years
Zimbabwe government will allow import of used vehicles older than 5 years The Zimbabwe Government has indefinitely suspended the ban
Zimbabwe Import Duty
Zimbabwe Import Duty Zimbabwe uses the GATT system of tariff codes. Imports are subject to duty, import tax, and surtax.
Zimbabwe Vehicle Information
Zimbabwe Vehicle Information Zimbabwe is a Right Hand Drive country and Western Auto Thailand, Western Auto Singapore, Western Auto United

Zimbabwe Country Description By Zimbabwe Top Car 4×4 Pickup SUV Dealer exporter jim is Thailand’s, Australia’s, New Zealand’s and Untied Kingdom’s